Dear America…

I did think about putting quite a lot of well thought out, carefully considered, politically measured, balanced and rational argument into this post. I crafted, edited and reworked it, so as to make it accesible to all levels of the socio-economic spectrum. But then I realised, if your Presidential campaign is indicative of the sane, decision making, level of civic minded citizens, then my work was to be wasted. All I really needed to write was this; Dear America, you’re fucked… Imagine Donald with his finger on the button… Go on… Push it…

Ian Andrew

Ian Andrew is the author of the alternative history novel A Time To Every Purpose and the detective thriller Face Value. Both are available on Amazon. Follow him on social media:

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All this “Gay” stuff… I’m over it.

How one man’s recollections of World War II, changed my views forever…


From national, hi-profile, Australian parliamentarians to my local MP, (even if she has misjudged the feelings of many of her constituents) everyone of any political hue in Continue reading

Really, because God said so, REALLY?


I try desperately hard not to go on a rant, especially about religion. Coming from Northern Ireland it wasn’t a great topic of conversation. But the stupidity, absurdness and outright hypocrisy of the bible-wielding fanatics that Continue reading